7 Ways to Engage Clients with Email

Your customer’s inbox is a competitive place. Your emails are likely to be competing directly with the big guys so your first order of business is to stand out so your messaging doesn’t land in the trash folder.

While measuring your open rate is easy, measuring engagement is more of a challenge. But it’s engagement you need if you want to leave a lasting impression — and get more sales!

Below are seven tips to engage clients with email.


7 Ways to Polish Your Online Content

From endless emails and texts to social media posts and proposals, today’s entrepreneurs and small business owners are used to communicating online non-stop. And as content continues to be king — or queen, depending on who you ask! — the pressure is on to crank out large quantities of copy to get your brand in front of as many potential customers as possible.


Three Reasons Why Retaining Clients is a Game Changer

Have you ever wondered which is more important to the success of your business: retaining clients or finding new ones? Acquiring new customers is necessary to your long-term business plan as new clients fuel your business forward. However, it is critical, especially for established businesses, to also focus on customer retention. This is often an untapped resource that has many benefits to your overall business growth strategy. 

Once you have invested all that time and money into acquiring new customers, maximize that investment by retaining them.
